This relaxing and deep treatment offers you a complete manual body and face massage using a personalized blend of essential oils.
It gives you an immediate well-being, relaxation, stress relief and a cocooning moment.LUMEN LIÈGE
Body reading - Personalized and holistic approach.
Reading and becoming aware of the impact of emotions on your body through a body and facial massage followed by a verbal exchange.
We receive daily information that generates a physical reaction in our body, consciously and most of the time unconsciously.
Processed initially by the brain and its different parts (reptilian, limbic, cortex), the data leaves a mark on our body.
This can be immediate and visible to the naked eye: rapid heart rate, bristling hairs, tears, etc.
But most of the time, this mark is very real and requires deciphering, a reading of the body.
The LUMEN treatment allows you to become aware of the information that has left an impact on your body.
It is used to identify and welcome the emotions that drive you during the treatment through a verbal exchange before and after the session.Le DOS
Massage relaxant et décontractant du dos et des épaules