Epilation of : Full legs, bikini deep, peplum strip, forearms and underarms.
Price per session. DURATION : 5-10 sessions and one reminder session one year after the end of therapydepends on a series of individual factors, such as skin hydration, skin color, hair color and thickness, age, hormonal factors, among others. TIME: Depends on the skin surface and individual customer's pain sensations.FULL BODY MAN
Epilation of : back, chest, neck, full shoulders and underarms.
Price per session. DURATION : 5-10 sessions and one reminder session one year after the end of therapydepends on a series of individual factors, such as skin hydration, skin color, hair color and thickness, age, hormonal factors, among others. TIME: Depends on the skin surface and individual customer's pain sensations.UPPER LIP
Price per session. DURATION : 5-10 sessions and one reminder session one year after the end of therapydepends on a series of individual factors, such as skin hydration, skin color, hair color and thickness, age, hormonal factors, among others. TIME: Depends on the skin surface and individual customer's pain sensations.