Welcome to Lily Institut! Immerse yourself in a world dedicated to beauty and well-being in a warm and family atmosphere in the heart of our institute. At Lily Institut, our team of qualified beauticians is dedicated to your well-being and your beauty. Passionate about their profession and with recognized expertise, they are there to offer you personalized care that meets your specific needs. Trust our professionals to guide you through our wide range of treatments, from hair removal to facial treatments, including massages and eyelash or nail enhancements. Their attentive listening and their know-how guarantee you a relaxing and revitalizing experience. Our institute is split into two distinct parts located a few meters apart from each other in the Galerie de la gare (Galerie des Halles) in Louvain-la-Neuve. The first institute is dedicated to relaxing treatments and the second to the nail part. All our services are explained in detail on our site, but do not hesitate to contact us by message or telephone for further information.
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