Services Homme
Coupe & brushing
Starting at 20 €
Taille de la barbe
Starting at 15 €
Coupe & taille de la barbe
Starting at 29 €
Forfait Coloration + coupe & brushing
Starting at 45 €
Forfait décoloration + coupe & brushing
Starting at 50 €
Forfait mèches + coupe & brushing
Starting at 45 €
Forfait permanente + coupe & brushing
Starting at 50 €
Starting at 12 €
Lissage brésilien
Starting at 50 €
Services enfants
Coupe garçon
Starting at 17.50 €
Coupe fille
Starting at 25 €
Services dames coupe & brushing
Protocole Olaplex + coupe & brushing
Starting at 70 €
Protocole Olaplex + brushing
Starting at 55 €
Brushing avec shampooing
Starting at 25 €
Coupe & brushing avec shampooing
Starting at 40 €
Services de coloration
Coloration & brushing
Starting at 77 €
Coloration + coupe & brushing
Starting at 77 €
Coloration + Olaplex + brushing
Starting at 77 €
Coloration + Olaplex + coupe & brushing
Starting at 92 €
Coloration+ mèches et coupe et brushing
Starting at 112 €
Services Mèches
Mèches & brushing
Starting at 85 €
Mèches + Olaplex + Brushing
Starting at 100 €
Mèche + coloration retouche + coupe et brushing
Starting at 102 €
Services de permanente & défrisage
Lissage brésilien
Starting at 65 €
Permanente + brushing
Starting at 80 €
Lissage brésilien
Starting at 90 €
Permanente coupe et brushing
Starting at 75 €
Permanente coupe et brushing
Starting at 75 €
Essai chignon
Starting at 25 €
Starting at 40 €
Soin moleculaire
Starting at 30 €
Extensions sur devis
Starting at 350 €
Coupe & brushing
Starting at 20 €Taille de la barbe
Starting at 15 €Coupe & taille de la barbe
Starting at 29 €Forfait Coloration + coupe & brushing
Starting at 45 €Forfait décoloration + coupe & brushing
Starting at 50 €Forfait mèches + coupe & brushing
Starting at 45 €Forfait permanente + coupe & brushing
Starting at 50 €Coulage
Starting at 12 €Lissage brésilien
Starting at 50 €Monday - Tuesday | Closed |
Wednesday - Saturday | 08:30 - 18:00 |
Sunday | Closed |
Rue des Français 237, Ans 4430 | |
BE0746606228 | |
+3242465663 | |
Open Facebook | |
Open Instagram |
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